Hint: Segmentation
It’s important to keep in touch with your customers and contacts regularly… but you need to be smart about it. There is no point in spending good money on tools like Keap, and not make use of its features to increase engagement and interest.
If you are always sending broadcasts, and even campaigns, to all of your contacts, then you need to STOP!
Segmenting your list is the key to making sure you send the right information to the right contacts, and increase opens, clicks, engagement and conversions. Some of the tools you can use to segment your list are:
- Tags
- Fields (standard and custom)
- Lead Score
- Orders, etc.
Some ideas for segmenting your contacts:
Customers, versus prospects, versus suspects
- RFM – When they last purchased, how often they buy, how much they spend
- Engagement (clicks, replies, logins, downloads, web page visits, etc)
- Social sharing
- Their interests (this could be figured out from their engagement and interest in different promotions and products for example)
- Lead Source
Depending on these and other details you have about your contacts, you can make decisions on what sort of content they are most likely to respond to, or if you still need to test them and gather more data. How you do this will depend on your product, market, etc.
If you don’t do this, then you are stuck just sending the same message to everyone on your list, no matter their actual interests. Doing that can have the following negative impacts…
- Reduced open and click-through rate
- Increased opt out rate
- Increased spam complaints (especially if you just keep making the same offer to the same people over and over)
- Reduced engagement
- Weakening of your brand and reputation
All this leads to a stale list of unengaged and uninterested contacts, with an end result of lower conversions and therefore LESS PROFIT!
So it’s time to take a day out of your busy schedule and take a deep dive into your contacts, figure out what you already know about them, and what you would like to know and keep track of, and start being smarter about how you market to them.
Your bottom line will thank you for it!
Let Meppy help you better segment your marketing conversations, and get better engagement and higher profits.