Add Meppy as a Partner to your Keap App

Follow the instructions below to add us as a partner to your Keap app so that we can provide the support or service you have purchased.

If you have Keap Max Classic

  1. Open the Admin menu.
  2. Click on Users.
  3. Skip the Ultimate steps.

If you have Keap Ultimate

  1. Β From the app menu button at the bottom left, select Settings.
  2. Type in Users in the search box.
  3. Click on Users.

Next Steps for both Max Classic and Keap Ultimate

  1. Click on the Add Partner button at the top right – NOT the add user button. πŸ…
  2. Enter [email protected] into the Keap ID field. πŸ…‘
  3. Select Admin – Yes. πŸ…’
  4. Click on Send Email Invitation. πŸ…“

If you have Keap Pro or Max

  1. From the app menu button at the bottom left, select Settings.
  2. Click on Users.
  3. Click on the Add a user button.
  4. Enter Mark for the First name. πŸ…
  5. Enter [email protected] in the Email field. πŸ…‘
  6. Select Limited Admin. πŸ…’
  7. Tick the Keap Partner checkbox. πŸ…“
  8. Click on the Send user invite button. πŸ…”